Huge News! WCCT Global is now an Altasciences company!
We wanted to share this news with you today, as you might have already been seeing the Altasciences name as part of the WCCT Global logo. We wanted to reach out to let you know what this means for you.
Recently WCCT Global was acquired by the Altasciences umbrella of clinical sites. Currently there are two others located in Kansas City and Montreal, Canada. Altasciences also has other locations which cater towards the rest of their service offerings. You can check out everything you may want to know about Altasciences here.
What does this mean for you? Honestly, it means that you will continue to have the same amazing experience you have come to know at WCCT Global. From our volunteer's perspective, nothing is changing! You will still see the same faces throughout your study process. The location you are already familiar with will also stay the same and of course all the benefits you receive for taking part will also remain the same! So, there is nothing to worry about!
What will change? In the coming months, you may notice the logos changing on our website and media campaigns and even our facility. In the future, you may also see some updates made to our website, but that’s it! Keep a look out for our future communications, where we will keep you updated with our progress and as always, Thank You for taking part!