2022 Achievements and Exciting Website Changes!
What a fantastic year it’s been here at Altasciences LA!
This month, we’d like to recognize all the advancements we’ve made together and announce a major change to our beloved website!
Where Did Altasciences Start?
In 2021, WCCT Global was acquired by Altasciences, but that hasn't stopped us from making clinical history. Altasciences as a company was founded in 1992 by a small group of passionate researchers from the University of Montreal. Today, Altasciences is internationally renowned with one purpose in our hearts -to help research and develop potentially life-saving therapeutics.
Where are We Now?
Across the United States of America and Canada, Altasciences proudly operates 8 facilities. But that hasn’t stopped us from growing! In Canada, we have two locations in Laval and Montreal. In the U.S., we have 6 locations residing in Kansas City KS, Seattle WA, Philadelphia PA, Scranton PA, Columbia MO, and Los Angeles CA.
2022 In Numbers at Altasciences LA!
• 43 studies conducted
• 425 new volunteers and 1256 returning volunteers enrolled
• Highest Compensation amount per person - $25,100
• Receiving 3 awards
Check Out Our New Website!
We are so happy to announce that our website has been renewed! We’re no longer wcct.com and we are now AltasciencesLA.com. Good news, nothing has changed for you, except it’s now faster, and easier to find the information you need and reach us.
For your convenience, you can access our website at different URLs for each language. English speakers can find us at AltasciencesLA.com, our Japanese speakers can find us at JP.AltasciencesLA.com, and our Chinese speakers can find us at ZH.AltasciencesLA.com. Feel free to check it out!
Last But Not Least…
Clinical studies help shape the modern world, increase lifespans, and prevent the spread of life-threatening diseases.
On behalf of everyone at Altasciences, we thank you for this fantastic year.
Without you, none of this would have been possible.
You make the difference!